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Dissidia: Final Fantasy

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Dissidia: Final Fantasy Empty Dissidia: Final Fantasy

Post by FaytSaratome Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:46 am

-=Dissidia: Final Fantasy=-

The presentation is very good for this game, and looks great on the PSP's screen. It's amazing they got PS2 graphics on a handheld. These are the best I've seen on the PSP thus far. The main menu is the hub of the game, and even it looks great. The style is the same old Final Fantasy, but it works even to this day. The main menu has your basic stuff on it, Story Mode, Arcade Mode, Quick Battle Mode and Communications Mode, but they added a few more toys for you to play around with. You have a calender, and depending on the day you play, you can get bonuses. There is also a PP Catalogue, a Museum for viewing replays and character data and such.
The music for Dissidia are remixes of classic music along with a few original for the game. The remixes from the beginning are; The battle music, boss music, and overworld theme, but you can buy more from the PP Catalogue. Also for you FFVII fans, they have the original One Winged Angel theme in there. Overall, it's Final Fantasy, the music is always kick ass.
The gameplay here is unique and for those thinking this is a simple button masher, you're dead wrong. You get two types of attacks, HP Attacks and Bravery Attacks. Bravery attacks saps away at the opponent's Bravery, which is what your attack power is. HP Attacks's power are determined by your Bravery, and do what the name says. Take out the opponent's HP. As you level up you learn more Bravery and HP attacks, and abilities. There is also a new mode called EX Mode, which is basically the Limit Break, or FFIX wise, your Trance state. Here your abilities are increased for a limited amount of time. You can then do a EX Burst, which is just your finisher. Someone like Cloud will use his FFVII Limit Break, Omnislash, while those who didn't have Limit Breaks in their games, get one here.
The story isn't anything special at the beginning but it does fit within Final Fantasy. Chaos is trying to turn the world into pure Darkness by using 10 villians from the first 10 games, while Cosmos is trying to stop it by using the 10 heroes from the first 10 games. Each character has his own story, but it'll combine into one later on. Each character stays true to his persona from the games, and the voices are well done and fit each character.
Multiplayer here is what it is. You can use your character you've been levelling through story mode or quick battle, and face your friends using ad hoc. I'm pretty sure you still can't use wifi to play online and like the other PSP games, need a PS3 to do it. If I find out you don't need a PS3 I'll update this, but until then, what the hell Sony make it so we can use WiFi already. Damn.

Overall - A
This is a Final Fantasy's fan's dream game. it's total fan service for us fans, and any Final Fantasy fan will be missing out if they don't have this game. It could have been better, like more characters added, seeing as how there was usually 2 to 4 characters that were important, but hopefully when Dissidia 2 comes out they'll add more characters from each game. There is also two unlockable characters but I'm not gonna reveal it, just know that one is from FFXI, and the other is from FFXII

EDIT: I forgot to add something about load times. They aren't the best but you can install the game to the memory stick to increase them, and boy do they help. You can install ~200, ~300, or ~500 mbs, so you can choose how much data you want to use for Dissidia.

Also, a little treat, myself playing the game.